Meet Our Characters!
We strive for inclusivity so all little ones can feel represented in their favorite characters. If you would like to have a BIPOC performer play any character below, please let us know and we will make sure we accommodate your request!
***Please keep in mind that the performers pictured may not be who is at your event!***

Ice Queen

Ice Princess

Ice Harvester

Beauty Princess

Frog Princess

Brave Princess


Charming Prince

Cinder Princess

Cinder Princess

Cartoon Inspired Mermaid Princess

Live Action Inspired Mermaid Princess

Wayfinder Princess

Lost Duchess

Sleeping Princess

Arabian Princess

Fashion Friend

Tinker Fairy

Wishing Princess

Tower Princess

Miracle Sister

Flower Sister

Madrigal Uncle

Wonderland Friend

Snow White

Tower Prince

Lady Bug Hero

American Hero

Spider Friend Female Presenting

Spider Friend Male Presenting

Wonderful Woman